This is the Exmaple of building Cloud Computing infrastracture by OpenStack
Please learn simply description about OpenStack below before building.
(1) Main Components of OpenStack
Please learn simply description about OpenStack below before building.
Service | Code Name | Description |
Identity Service | Keystone | User Management |
Compute Service | Nova | Virtual Machine Management |
Image Service | Glance | Manages Virtual image like kernel image or disk image |
Dashboard | Horizon | Provides GUI console via Web browser |
Object Storage | Swift | Provides Cloud Storage |
Block Storage | Cinder | Storage Management |
Network Service | Quantum | Virtual Network Management |
(2) Services which the components of OpenStack needs
OpenStack is easily installed using a package called Packstack. Redhat is one of the primary contributors to packstack and this method is similar to the installation of RDO, described here
The procedure is quite simple:
Install Redhat, Fedora or Centos on one or more x86 servers.
I installed the minimal Centos installation on a Dell OPTIPLEX 790
Install and configure NTP - network time protocol
# yum install ntp
# chkconfig ntpd on
# ntpdate
# /etc/init.d/ntpd start
Install the Fedora repo for grizzly
# yum install -y
CIO, CTO & Developer Resources
# yum install -y openstack-packstack
Generate an answer file
# packstack --gen-answer-file=/root/grizzly_openstack.cfg
please find grizzly_openstack.cfg